Soul Mirroring

The human technology to empower a spiritual renaissance.

What is Soul Mirroring?

Soul Mirroring is an attitude; the desire to see the Light—the unique qualities—of others that touches our heart and to reflect these qualities back to them.

As human beings, we are constantly relating to others, yet we share the tendency to focus solely on the negative qualities of others; what bothers us about them. Soul Mirroring is a practice, a relational yoga, which frees us from this tendency and cultivates our skill to appreciate others. 

Through giving our appreciation abundantly to others, we can finally receive the appreciation that we have been deprived of our entire lives. At the same time, we rapidly accelerate our self-knowledge through gaining invaluable perspectives on our Soul Qualities—especially those we are unconscious of—and empower one another to bring our Authentic Selves to the world.

How does Soul Mirroring Work?

While Soul Mirroring is an attitude that can be practiced towards anyone, the best environment to learn and practice is in small groups of 3-5 people. The general sequence is as follows;

  1. One person shares a valuable experience. Others listen carefully, paying attention to their Light.
  2. Everyone takes turns mirroring back the Light of the person. Asking themselves, "what qualities touch my heart in hearing that person?"
  3. The person mirrored expresses how they are touched by the mirroring.
  4. The process repeats until everyone is mirrored.

Why should I care about Soul Mirrroring?

There are two main reasons;

  1. It radically accelerates your personal growth: To become our best selves, we need to “Know Thyself”. But to “Know Thyself”, we need many perspectives. What Soul Mirroring does is give us multiple conscious perspectives on our Self so we can clearly see our own excellence and deficiencies. 
  2. It creates an ambiance of relational harmony: To become our best selves, we need a supportive environment. Yet virtually all of us find ourselves in extremely hostile relational environments. What Soul Mirroring does is leverage the power of group consciousness to harmonize our emotional states and sustain a vibration of Unity between one another.

How can I Experience or Learn The Soul Mirroring?

There are four ways;

  1. Read "The Mirroring Manifesto": To learn more about fundamental concepts and implications of Soul Mirroring, you can purchase and read my first book
  2. Join a 9-Month Training: For those who are very committed to this practice and intend on integrating it into their community, a 9-month training is available.
  3. Experience the Authentic Mastery Coaching Program: If you're interested in building your personal brand, this coaching program integrates the Soul Mirroring to support you in this goal.
  4. Request a workshop: I no longer offer free workshops or classes, although with the proper proposal I would gladly facilitate a workshop. 






Conceptual Questions

Why do we focus on the Light? Don't we need to focus on the dark aspects of ourselves too (i.e., shadow-work)?

Why do we focus on the Light? Don't we need to focus on the dark aspects of ourselves too (i.e., shadow-work)?

Yes, we do need to also focus on the shadow-aspect of ourselves; however, it's critical that we start by looking at the Light. In order to effectively engage with our shadows, we must be grounded in our Light.

Most of us overidentify ourselves with the qualities of our vehicles (lower selves) and become blind to the qualities of Being of Lights (higher Selves). Before we do shadow-work—which we do in mirroring level 2—we recommend dissolving the false beliefs that prevent us from seeing our own Light and that of others; hence the mirroring.

Why do we do the mirroring in small groups of only 3-5 people?

Why do we do the mirroring in small groups of only 3-5 people?

Since we are entering a space where we share the deep aspects of ourselves, the more people we add, the more difficult it becomes to share. Also, practically speaking, it would take much longer with each person we add. 

Beginning small allows each participant to grasp the fundamentals well so that in the future we can use this framework in larger or more focused groups.

How does Soul Mirroring differ from other collaborative spiritual practices?

How does Soul Mirroring differ from other collaborative spiritual practices?

Although there are many collaborative spiritual practices that are very healing and provide life-changing experiences, very few create a space where every participant shares the intent to seeing one another's Being of Light for the entire duration of the practice. 

Soul Mirroring does not require you to take any mind-altering external substances, and it does not need any special tools or gadgets beyond our own tools that we have been endowed with.

Where does the Soul Mirroring ultimately lead to? What is the real motivation behind this practice?

Where does the Soul Mirroring ultimately lead to? What is the real motivation behind this practice?

For an in-depth answer, you can read "Reprogramming Our Relational Patterns", "Spiritual Warfare", and "The Hard-Fork of Humanity" from The Mirroring Manifesto.

Put simply, it's founded on the principle that Natural Intelligence (NI) is superior to Artificial Intelligence (AI), and, as socio-spiritual beings, improving the quality of our relationships has the potential to bring about a revolution in human consciousness; a spiritual renaissance

How does Soul Mirroring improve organizational dynamics?

How does Soul Mirroring improve organizational dynamics?

Organizations are based on human interactions at many levels. Improving them, by changing our consideration for each other through intentional and elaborated spaces of appreciation, necessarily changes organizational dynamics. 

Practical Questions

What kind of experiences should we share?

What kind of experiences should we share?

It depends on the context, but, in most cases, we can share recent life experiences in the past week

The goal is not to simply say all the things we did in a robotic manner; rather, this is an opportunity to express the authentic thoughts and feelings that we experienced. Similar to the self-introspection one can access with journaling, however, we share this in a unique space to receive these deeper aspects of ourselves. 

Am I not allowed to share any negative experiences?

Am I not allowed to share any negative experiences?

Yes, of course you may! We are not interested in creating an ambiance of toxic positivity where we just tell each other, "Think happy thoughts!" or "Always look on the bright side!" We encourage participants to discuss any experiences of importance to them and honestly share the range of emotions we feel. 

That said, we discourage regarding challenges in life with an assumption that there is nothing we can do to improve our well-being or condition. But so long as the participants are committed to Love and self-improvement, this is rarely an issue.

How long does a Soul Mirroring experience last for?

How long does a Soul Mirroring experience last for?

It's impossible to give an exact answer as each mirroring session is an adventure in itself. That said, it is possible to facilitate a session with time limits, and anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours and a half is usually sufficient. But there is always the possibility that something urgent could arise during a session that may take some time to resolve. 

Does Soul Mirroring need to be done with a facilitator?

Does Soul Mirroring need to be done with a facilitator?

While the group consciousness plays a major role in sustaining the framework of the process, an experienced facilitator is an extremely valuable asset in the group

They provide a strong anchor to remind participants of the principles of Mirroring and actively participate in creating the ambiance to keep the group "flame" alive. Also, the facilitator will be essential in providing guidance to explore the deeper levels of Mirroring.

Can Soul Mirroring be online, or must we be physically present?

Can Soul Mirroring be online, or must we be physically present?

Soul Mirroring can be done online.

Since the primary action is the interface between consciousness, so long as we are able to communicate with one another in real time, we can do the Mirroring. 

Since physical presence increases intensity—specifically our ability to master the tendencies of our vehicle—starting online is a much safer and ideal context to experience the Mirroring. For experienced practitioners, this increased intensity and need for mastery can also increase the possibilities for self-knowledge and transformation.

Q: Do you offer in-person workshops?



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