I believe the simplest way to understand our human nature is to divide it into two: our higher Nature and our lower nature. Our higher nature represents our virtuous side; it compels us to treat others with kindness and respect, and take responsibility to make the world a better place. Our lower nature, in contrast, represents our untamed tendencies; it compels us to act solely in our interests and pridefully reject our responsibility to give to others. In becoming our best selves, then, we must learn to connect to our higher nature and master our lower nature; a process that I call Self-Mastery.
I believe that the dance between the Masculine and Feminine principles is the basis of all Life, and by learning to dance with the world, with others, and with ourselves, we attain a deep joy which no amount of money can ever buy. For this reason, I advocate for Gender Balance—discernment between the Masculine and Feminine, a rich understanding of their dynamics, and the discovery of one’s happy equilibrium in relation to them.
I believe that underlying all the religious and spiritual traditions is an Ageless Wisdom which unites us All. This Wisdom pervades the very architecture of all life, yet its principles and laws are obscured in the public eye. To discover this Wisdom, I believe one must become a seeker of Truth; to avoid the trappings of ideologies and dogmas in search of a perspective which brings us together. As a result, I promote education on Spiritual Science—perspectives which harmonize modern scientific discoveries with the ancient Teachings of our spiritual nature.
In my personal journey to uncover this Ageless Wisdom, I have found the Teachings of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, a Bulgarian spiritual Teacher who taught in France for 49 years, to be the best communicator of the Spiritual Sciences. For this reason, all of my work is based upon his Teachings, however, I have no intent on “converting” others to my personal beliefs. I share this to commemorate the Giants upon whose shoulders I stand and to be fully transparent about the Source from which my work derives.